The human body is made up of several organ systems that all work together as a unit to make sure the body keeps functioning. There are ten major organ systems in the body, each of which plays a different role in helping the body work.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn

Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn Newborns undergo profound physiologic changes at the moment of birth, as they are released from a warm, snug, dark liquid-filed environment that has met all of their basic needs, into a chilly, unbounded, brightly lit, gravity based outside world.Within minutes after being plunged into this strange environment, a newborn’s body must initiate respirations and accommodate a circulatory system to extrauterine...

Levels of Health Care Referral System

Levels of Health Care Referral System There are 3 different levels of health care system which are primary, secondary, and tertiary. In this post, you’ll get to know more about these health care systems. These referral systems are interlinked or interconnected to one another. Primary Level of Care Devolved to cities and municipalities Usually the first contact between the community members and other levels of health facility. Center...

DOH Maternal Health Program

DOH MATERNAL HEALTH PROGRAM The Maternal Health Program is a set of actions and services administered by the Department of Health to aid women before, during and after pregnancy. The Philippines is tasked to reduce the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) by three quarters by 2015 to achieve its millennium development goal. This means a MMR of 112/100,000 live births in 2010 and 80/100,000 live births by 2015. Year Expected MMR 2010 112/100,000...

Nursing Home Visit

NURSING HOME VISIT A nursing home visit is a family-nurse contact which allows the health worker to assess the home and family situations in order to provide the necessary nursing care and health related activities. In performing  home visits, it is essential to prepare a plan of visit to meet the needs of the client and achieve the best results of desired outcomes. Purposes To give care to the sick, to a postpartum mother and her...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Bag Technique

  BAG TECHNIQUE The bag technique is a tool by which the nurse, during her visit will enable her to perform a nursing procedure with ease and deftness, to save time and effort with the end view of rendering effective nursing care to clients.The public health bag is an essential and indispensable equipment of a public health nurse which she has to carry along during her home visits. It contains basic medication and articles which are necessary...

COPAR (Community Organizing Participatory Action Research)

COPAR Definitions of COPAR    A social development approach that aims to transform the apathetic, individualistic and voiceless poor into dynamic, participatory and politically responsive community.    A collective, participatory, transformative, liberative, sustained and systematic process of building people’s organizations by mobilizing and enhancing the capabilities and resources of the people for the resolution...

